The parish is the center of religious life; it is our people and our home, where we convene for daily and weekly Mass, yearly holidays and holy days, and the sacraments that affirm our commitment to our faith.
The largest portion of the campaign goal, $130 million, will be allocated directly to individual parish needs. The needs in the parishes of our archdiocese vary widely. Some require renovations and repairs to make facilities more conducive to worship and provide easier access for the elderly and disabled. Others are eager to update technology; install cleaner and greener solutions to powering, heating and cooling their facilities in accordance with our Holy Father's reminder that we have a responsibility to better care for the earth; or establish endowments to secure the long-term sustainability of the parish. The campaign will provide an opportunity for parishes to identify what their priorities are and to plot out the ways in which they will better serve Christ in the 21st century.